Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Day 2 of Thanks…

Day 2 of thanks…

Today I am so thankful for my sweet Jayci.

Jayci is a spit fire. She is so funny, so full of energy and a little hot head. She is always keeping us on our toes and I love every minute of it.

Somehow my kids are smart, yes I know every mother out there says that, but mine really are J. Jayci loves to learn and wants to learn about everything. She always has this look on her face that is as if she is taking everything in. (picture is proof :))

Jayci loves her big "Sissy" and does everything in her power to show Danaka who the boss is.

Jayci loves to sing in the car, she loves to watch movies, play games and has such an imagination.

Both of my girls are beautiful inside and out and I am so honored to be their mom.

Jayci came to me after 3 years of trying and 3 miscarriages. I was so excited to finally be pregnant and stay pregnant. Greg and I started having issues again, but I thought it was just the stress of everything and that once things settled down everything would be ok. Well that was not to be. I remember when Greg left I remember thinking the same things I did when I was pregnant with Danaka. How on earth am I going to do this alone and make it through? I was never "alone" I have a fantastic family and great friends, but I was in the same situation that I was at 16 except this time I was 27. Jayci in a way ended up helping me through everything. She kept me busy, she makes me laugh and she gives the best hugs. She has brought so much joy to me and Danaka and I can't imagine not having her in our lives.


Amander said...

Cute as a bug! And of course your kids are smart!

Anonymous said...

Holy cow you summed it up and made me cry! Amazing how someone so little and so special can buoy you up when you are at your lowest of lows right? Your girls are beautiful and they are the lucky ones to be able to call you Mom. =)

Aimee said...

What a sweet girl. Timing is everything, isn't it? Erin is our little Angel that came at a hard time in our lives. We think she brought a little bit of heaven with her and made everything in our world better. I think Jayci did that for you. She is a special little girl and so lucky to have you.

Derek-Jenny-Kaitlynd-Ethan-Dylan said...

What a great way to look at it. She really has been a BIG blessing right when you needed it.
I am so glad you have both of your girls. AND, they are smart just like their mother!!


Tiffany said...

Amen to what everyone else has said, Jay is the cutest and they are so lucky to call you mom.